
Energy Musings

Random Energy Observations Worthy Of Attention

Two charts of note. One highlights that per capita transportation cost has been stable since 1974! The other shows electricity cost by energy source in California versus the average of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.

DOE Vehicle Technologies Office Fact of the Week October 26, 2020

Per Capital Transportation Sector Energy Consumption Has Been Relatively Flat Since 1974

On a per capita basis, the transportation sector energy consumption in 2019 was 86 million Btu, which is a 54% increase from 1950 and about the same level as in 1974. The industrial sector, which had the highest energy consumption, decreased 7% from 1950 to 2019 and decreased 36% from its highest point in 1973. The residential and commercial sectors rose 64% and 116%, respectively, from 1950 to 2019.

Exhibit 20. Stability of Transportation’s Per Capita Cost SOURCE: DOE

EIA’s Today In Energy – October 9, 2020

Exhibit 21. The Cost Of Power - October 9, 2020 SOURCE: EIA

Do subsidies and mandates have anything to do with California’s high-cost of renewable energy compared to other states with large renewable energy output?